
Showing posts from 2009

Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves

There is a threatening cry of frustration coming from the extreme religious right against President Obama and his liberal socialist agenda. Tony Norman of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette writes in a recent article, “Earlier this year, the Rev. Wiley Drake of the First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park, Calif., instructed his followers to pray for Obama's death. Presidential candidate Alan Keyes' former running mate called down curses on Mr. Obama, based on prayers of vengeance from the Psalms. In Tempe, Ariz., Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church called for Mr. Obama's death on the eve of his visit to Phoenix earlier this year." Some of the so called “Christian faithful”, having no foundation from which to pursue opposing or reforming the policies of the political behemoth of liberalism, have resorted to speaking threatening words which could certainly be classified by some as hate speech. True followers of Christ should be quick to rebuke those who r...

Ideas Have Consequences

As we grieve for the loss of brothers and sisters at Fort Hood, Texas, and pray for Gods peace and comfort for their families and the community, may we consider the urgent need to come to our senses regarding the folly of political correctness. How many tragic events will it take before we realize that our current battles are not unlike the battles of yesterday? Why are we so often surprised by the actions of people who have a clear and dangerous ideological distinction from us? Many of us remember the stories of the Nazi occupation of European countries, the concentration and death camps and the determination of the followers of one ideology to extinguish all others. It took tremendous resolve and sacrifice to win this war. We faced a similar threat after World War II and fought the Communist in Korea and Vietnam and a Cold War with an arms build up and a somewhat diminished ideological debate. That debate like many others has been abandoned by the embracing of the new tolerance and m...

If You Lived Here!

Many road weary travelers have seen the large billboard above the thruway that reads “If you lived here you would be home by now!” The text is usually splashed across a beautifully inviting view of the surrounding landscape. You may be familiar with the popular saying “home is where the hearts is” There is a similar saying from the Bible that says “where your treasure is there your heart will be also”. God in heaven has placed within each of us a longing for that home. This is not the home you have grown up in although it may have a special place in our hearts and we long to return there. You may have grown up in a place that you would never call home and would never want to return. The longing for the home that God has provided for us is deeper and more persistent than any other longing. Our hearts have an emptiness that only God can fill. Our desire is for the perfect home of love, mercy, grace and forgiveness, the place where you are welcome as you are, but loved too much to be left...

I’m OK, are you?

I recently approached a vehicle and was soon contemplating the prominently displayed bumper sticker that read “Born OK the first time”. That’s strange I thought, apparently this person either believes he is immortal or is OK with what this mortal life has to offer including death. "OK" is a very subjective term. I can think of a few murderous kings and leaders who thought they were OK too. By the way, fortunately for us the villains I had in mind are now dead. But somehow we never quite have a shortage of them. In reality none of us will escape death. The moment we are born we begin our journey to the grave. Perhaps this "Born OK" person is OK with that and expects nothing more from his existence, in a senseless reality. But what if there is something more? What if there is something that makes sense, which gives us hope? What if there is something that fills the deep longing in our hearts, something that restores us and commands death to release us? Has this pers...

Effective Protest ?

The original tea party protest was the spear head event of a tax protest movement by the American colonist which quickly brought the English tea merchants to the brink of ruin. Like the tea party protest of old, our current protest may only be effective when the impact of our displeasure is felt in the pockets and investment portfolios of Washington politicians and bureaucrats. Of course the government can always print more money, as it has recently become accustomed to doing with abandon, to soften the blow of an actual tax revolt. However is an effective tax revolt possible? If all conservative patriots decided to no longer pay any tax at all, how would that work? The original tea party had teeth because the economic structure of a free market had yet to be tampered with by self seeking socialist ideologues. Our current tax policy is a great multi-tentacled octopus reaching into every area of life. Try to avoid paying your local, state and federal t...

Don't Fall For It

So the sleeping giant awakes. Of course after many years of slumber the giant appears to be grumpy and even angry. Look at all the freedoms that have been lost since we fell asleep. Apparently, we are risking the possibility of loosing more. Of course there is pent up frustration on the part of everyday Americans. Our elected leaders and representatives are not listening and not governing with wisdom and regard for the individual. Yes, there is a time for shouting and protesting. But we cannot descend to the tactics of the left without appearing as foolish as they are. When we are given the legitimate vehicle for debate and discussion we should take the opportunity and use it to our advantage. There are questions that need to be asked and need to be addressed directly. We do not need to give in to the premise that we have a health care crisis, or any crisis for that matter. Let's demand an investigation and find out who is responsible for creating crisis. This administration thrive...

Let's Grow Up - Part 3 - Robin Hoods Big Brother

Science fiction literature has always taken us on fantastic voyages of the imagination. The most memorable and effective of such literature use truth as its foundation and oppose it by taking dangerous ideas to the most extreme logical conclusions. This is the strength of George Orwells classic "1984". The iconic head of the fictional world power state of Oceania,"Big Brother", was always watching to make sure that you maintained the ideals of the "Party". Thought-crimes where not tolerated and severely punished. In our real world we have created the technology to approximate with amazing similarity the capacity for the state or any collective to track our every move and characterize and categorize our individual ideologies, and material and social preferences. Of course much of this capacity is due to our perception that these technologies help keep us safe from criminals, gives us flexibility in our methods of paying for transactions, makes our lives mo...

Let's Grow Up - Part 2 -There Are No Unions In Heaven

There is a story told about a landowner who went out at daybreak to hire workers for his vineyard. After agreeing to pay the workers the usual day's wages, he sent them to work in his vineyard. About 9 a.m. he saw others standing in the marketplace without work. He said to them, 'Work in my vineyard, and I'll give you whatever is right.' So they went. "He went out again about noon and 3 p.m. and did the same thing. About 5 p.m. he went out and found some others standing around. He said to them, 'Why are you standing here all day long without work?' " 'No one has hired us,' they answered him. "He said to them, 'Work in my vineyard.' "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard told the supervisor, 'Call the workers, and give them their wages. Start with the last, and end with the first.' "Those who started working about 5 p.m. came, and each received a day's wages. When those who had been hired first came, th...

Let's Grow Up

Hosea 4:6 " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge :" The awe and devotion of both the state run media and its audience to the Obama administrations Robin Hood like antics is truly disturbing. It is not the fact that this administration misses no opportunity to expand its tax base and broaden its scope of power that is disturbing. What concerns the conservative patriot today is the number of child like devotees following merrily along behind the pied piper, little knowing or caring about the peril that lies ahead. What has bewitched these followers? How has their capacity to reason been handicapped? Why are they so easily deceived? Many of Obamas followers, who consider themselves intellectual contemporaries, have worked tirelessly for this very day. Finally, one of their own, the product of an educational system totally enamored by and directed toward the creation of a socialist utopia, has assumed the mantel of national leadership. They, along with mainstream state r...

Independence Day ?

As we reflect upon Independence Day 2009, keep in mind the enemies of our great nation are alive and well and are more emboldened than ever before. Many hold public office and positions of great influence in media, education and the marketplace. Many have been working diligently knowingly and un-knowingly to move the following agenda items forward. How many would you say have been successfully implemented? Congressional Record-- Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Current Communist Goals EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR. OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, January 10, 1963 Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America. At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Go...

Let us Pray

The National Day of Prayer was founded in 1952 by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. It reveals the deep understanding that many Americans have that this country was founded upon Judeo-Christian ethics and receives its blessing from the God of heaven and the influence of His word the Bible. This years day of prayer holds much deeper meaning as we face the un-relenting encroachment of un-restrained government into the fabric and freedom of our lives. At risk is not only our economic freedoms but intellectual and religious freedom. These include most importantly freedom of conscience and expression and the right to speak the word of God regardless of who may be offended. Hate crimes legislation is on a fast track through the halls of leadership and may soon threaten our ability to protect ourselves and our children from a perverted sense of entitlement characteristic of those pursuing alternative sinful lifestyles. This is a spiritua...

Truth Under Assault

During the coming celebration of President Obama's first 100 days we will certainly witness a strained attempt at placing positive value on the following achievements. (These are not in any particular order, however the cumulative effect is the same.We are witnessing a deliberate attempt at moving our culture, its politics, religion and economics as far left as possible in as little time as possible) Obama and friends first 100 days: • remove the world wide abortion funding ban, allowing the use of federal funds for promoting the killing of un-born children around the world • lifts restrictions on un-born children embryonic stem cell research • currently attempting to rescind the Bush Rule on Conscience for Health Care Providers – increasing pressure on health care providers to violate their moral convictions with regard to killing un-born children • ignoring and denying the foundational Judeo-Christian principles of this nati...

A Daily Prayer

On this Tea Party Day I am posting this prayer by George Washington. George Washington A Daily Prayer Almighty God, We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection: that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Psalm 32:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord... South Carolina 1778, Preamble: We, the people of the St...


How about some truth about marriage. It appears lately that the term "marriage" is being hijacked for use by the radical left to describe the age old concept of homosexual unions. This is an attempt to bring about complete acceptance and approval from all for this alternative lifestyle. This contentious battle is not being won in the marketplace of ideas and culture, so the latest tactic is to enlist the aid of government. With the aid of the strong arm of the law, the left will continue to use intimidation, coercion and punishment against those who do not approve of their lifestyle. We are a step away from the oppression currently experienced in Canada and other nations worldwide. In June of 2005 Dr Chris Kempling, a Christian counselor at a Canadian high school was charged with "conduct unbecoming" a teacher by the British Columbia College of Teachers. His scolding was in response to a series of editorials he wrote in a local newspaper supporting traditional marri...

Truth will always be

In anticipation and celebration of Spring a few random notes on Truth - Truth exist – Truth is as real as a map or GPS coordinates– Truth is that which conforms to reality Truth can be known – we can choose Truth or choose all other lies Truth is under assault – by lies since creation – some say creation is a lie A Subjective truth statement is “ I like vanilla ice cream” or “I prefer to believe something that makes me feel good” it is declaring an opinion or personal preference An Objective truth statement is “ planes with no power do not fly well” - “even if you jump high you will not fly” “that ice cream is melting” it is declaring a fact about something or the state of an object Truth is that which conforms to “reality” – is “ reality” subjective or objective? What is real is real whether I believe it to be real or not - reality is objective Truth is true whether I believe it or not Truth is the foundation of knowledge and subsequently o...

Truth Applied or Denied?

If you pay attention you will observe the utter denial of major foundational truths on a daily basis. Among our political and cultural leadership these moments of denial are usually accompanied by a complete disregard and contempt of those who are concerned enough to point them out. While examining the opening phrase of our most respected and misunderstood founding document and comparing this statement of belief to recent current events, some major truths are apparently tossed aside. I am writing of the Declaration of Independence and drawing some conclusions in regard to how they are given jurisdictional weight only in matters that benefit the left. In the opening text we read "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The first event this past week happens to be a polite dis-invite of writer, teacher, comed...

Truth or Consequences

To some, truth is an asset, to others, a liability. Our current administration's reaction to attempts by critics and the undecided to understand the full implications of a record breaking, history making, back breaking, and inflation creating grand stimulus package, appear to be quite over-dramatic. Perhaps for them the truth is a liability. The Obama media as well, has bent over backwards in the attempt to persuade the masses that such scrutiny by Rush Limbaugh and others is certainly un-deserved and time wasting and should not be tolerated. How dare we stop and study and question these grand leftist steps of progress towards the great healing our nation desperately needs? ( Side Note - some believe this economic crisis was manufactured and encouraged by great powerful leftist in Washington who used the base instincts of greed and profit in banking and real estate and wall street to their advantage. Substantial evidence supporting this claim is prevalent. Rohm Emmanuel even spoke...