New Year-New Post-New You
Happy 2009 Blogsters, I assume, are expected to post something personal or reflective, inspirational or encouraging for the new year. Not wanting to discount the opportunity and later regret that I had not posted something of value, I present the following with hope for a blessed future for you all. So what's new? What may be new to you may not be new to me. After all new is in the eye of the beholder. There is something about the concept of "new" that excites and energizes. Kids love to get new toys, new clothes, even new school supplies. Grownups also seek out new clothes, new cars, new tools, new homes, careers etc... So what is it about "new" that gets kids and grownups excited? How long does new last? Do some things stay new longer than others? It seems we get bored with new things very quickly. Are they really new things or just freshly produced cleaned up same old things with a shine? Is there anything really new under the sun? The all wise teacher Solo