Truth will always be

In anticipation and celebration of Spring

a few random notes on Truth -

Truth exist – Truth is as real as a map or GPS coordinates–

Truth is that which conforms to reality

Truth can be known – we can choose Truth or choose all other lies

Truth is under assault – by lies since creation – some say creation is a lie

A Subjective truth statement is “ I like vanilla ice cream” or “I prefer to believe something that makes me feel good” it is declaring an opinion or personal preference

An Objective truth statement is “ planes with no power do not fly well” - “even if you jump high you will not fly” “that ice cream is melting” it is declaring a fact about something or the state of an object

Truth is that which conforms to “reality” – is “ reality” subjective or objective?

What is real is real whether I believe it to be real or not - reality is objective

Truth is true whether I believe it or not

Truth is the foundation of knowledge and subsequently of a fruitful, sustaining and morally righteous life

Truth is the security of a nation and the prosperity of generations

Truth is suppressed by those who deceive

Some rulers gain power by suppressing truth and/or by passive or active deception

People are enslaved by lies

People are set free by truth

People are empowered by proclaiming truth

People may be persecuted for proclaiming truth

People live in despair and darkness when deceptions abound

People can live in safety and security when truth is the foundation of society

Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life"

Jesus can not lie

Jesus said "seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened"

Seek the truth and you will find it

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Maryland State Constitution 1776

Preamble: We, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty...

Pennsylvania State Constitution 1776

Preamble: We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance...

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