Truth Under Assault

During the coming celebration of President Obama's first 100 days we will certainly witness a strained attempt at placing positive value on the following achievements.

(These are not in any particular order, however the cumulative effect is the same.We are witnessing a deliberate attempt at moving our culture,
its politics, religion and economics as far left as possible in as little time as possible)

Obama and friends first 100 days:

• remove the world wide abortion funding ban, allowing the use of federal
funds for promoting the killing of un-born children around the world

• lifts restrictions on un-born children embryonic stem cell research

• currently attempting to rescind the Bush Rule on Conscience for
Health Care Providers – increasing pressure on health care providers to
violate their moral convictions with regard to killing un-born children

• ignoring and denying the foundational Judeo-Christian principles of this

• has the representative symbol of Christ covered up during his speech
at Georgetown University

• condemns interrogations of terrorist as immoral and counterproductive
Admiral Blair admits the CIA received high value, lifesaving

• throws grand White House parties serving his guest a
hundred dollar a pound Kobe beef, while asking America to sacrifice and cut
back to make it through these tough economic times

• bows submissively to the king of Saudi Arabia

• listens patiently and respectfully to dictator Daniel Ortega
lecture for 50 minutes about the crimes of the US. Obama does not
speak in defense of the US, not one word is spoken to object,
or disagree

• does not stand up for his country during the Summit of the

• travels the world and apologizes for the USA the greatest, most
compassionate, most innovative and freedom-loving country in world history

• allows Fidel Castro to lecture him about how Cuba handles political
prisoners and its economy

• nominates five tax cheats to his cabinet,one of which oversees the IRS

• returns a bust of Sir Winston Churchill to Great Britain. This
symbol of freedom was given to President Bush, after 9/11, by the British

• insults the prime minister of England and the queen of England, with
trivial and embarrassing gifts

• Iran takes a hostage, an American journalist, as Obama promises better

• North Korea humiliates Obama with their missile launch

• pushes stimulus bill that puts the country in debt for generations to
come while promising fiscal responsibility

• will be placing new energy tax pressure on big business resulting in
higher consumer prices

• proposes minuscule budget cuts

• declares that Caterpillar would begin hiring once his stimulus bill
passes, the company lays-off of thousands after the stimulus bill passes

• proclaims total transparency, without declaring who received TARP funds

• attempts to nationalize the banks preventing financial institutions from
paying back TARP money they don't need or want

• attempting to either nationalize General Motors or allow it to fail

• ignores the concerns of hundreds of thousands of Americans at tea parties
across the country in response to irresponsible government spending

• Obama's Homeland Security chief labels peaceful American demonstrators
and veterans as extremists and security risks

• attempts to move the census over to the commerce department for political

• encourages ACORN and others to protest at the homes of AIG executives,
sowing class hatred and envy

• delays the rescue of kidnapped American Captain

• continues to promote left wing socialist agenda expanding big government
and the deficit with radical government spending

• seeks always the opportunity to silence and or criminalize dissent

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

Psalm 32:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...

Massachusetts 1780, Preamble: We, the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe...In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction...


Missa said…
very true, it's sad how Obama has already accomplished so many thing which conservatives have been trying to prevent for years.

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