Effective Protest ?

The original tea party protest was the spear head event of a tax protest movement by the American colonist which quickly brought the English tea merchants to the brink of ruin. Like the tea party protest of old, our current protest may only be effective when the impact of our displeasure is felt in the pockets and investment portfolios of Washington politicians and bureaucrats. Of course the government can always print more money, as it has recently become accustomed to doing with abandon, to soften the blow of an actual tax revolt.

However is an effective tax revolt possible? If all conservative patriots decided to no longer pay any tax at all, how would that work?

The original tea party had teeth because the economic structure of a free market had yet to be tampered with by self seeking socialist ideologues.

Our current tax policy is a great multi-tentacled octopus reaching into every area of life. Try to avoid paying your local, state and federal tax on fuel, it is impossible; it is built into the price at the pump. Try to avoid paying your local, state and federal taxes on your telephone and utility service. These also are built into the cost and billed monthly. You will find the same problem with trying to not pay your payroll and income tax. Taxes are included in the cost of goods manufactured and sold. Large corporations pass on their tax burden to the consumer. There is no place to hide from taxes, and individuals who refuse to pay taxes will be prosecuted. A tax revolt that is waged in the form of non-payment of taxes is not likely to happen.

Tea party and anti-socialism protesters whose aim is to bring about serious debate and or change in government tax and spend and control policy will only be laughed off by the current mainstream media and Washington pundits and then silenced by ridicule and intimidation. The power of mainstream media has been demonstrated by its ability to place in office the most radical left wing president ever in the history of America.

The rallying cry of no taxation without representation is no longer taken seriously because taxation has been institutionalized and codified into the market and every economic segment of society. This is our problem; we have over-abundant taxation with little to no effective representation. The cry of the patriots has fallen on deaf ears. Politicians no longer hear the American patriots, they have attained powers that allow them to pay lip service to all constituents yet remain un-accountable.

Because of the lack of accountability in our representatives, a radical left leaning press and the impossibility of a tax revolt to help bring substantial pressure to force the issues, Americans are no longer able to effectively protect and maintain their liberties.

Protesting conservatives will not be taken seriously by those in power whose ends are to destroy the free market economy and establish an all encompassing nanny state built on the phony philosophy of compassionate socialism.

Freedom loving Americans are at the edge and need to be reassured that they have leaders who will fight to protect their social liberties and economic freedom. Leaders may emerge by-passing the mainstream media, gathering support via the web and other neutral means of communication. Unless conservative leadership organizes soon American patriots will feel abandoned. Left alone to fend off this socialistic encroachment into all aspects of life will they surrender quietly or will they stand united as true American patriots?

We must understand that the strength needed for overcoming the advance of despotism is not earthly. We must stand in the strength of the victory we have in Christ Jesus. Many people do not understand this and will be determined to use force and all types of strategies to bring about change. Early American patriots understood that the battle was the Lords and the outcome was in His hands. All action or inaction on the part of the true patriot should stem from a heart felt devotion to the word of God as truth and the guide to all of life. For a truly effective protest and stand against tyranny we must be engaged in the spiritual battle through prayer and spirit led action. We must engage ideas in the realm of policy and philosophy head on in a direct and thoughtful debate. Taking captive every thought that stands against the knowledge of God and Christ.

Eph 6:12

For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places .

Col 2:8

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

2 Cor 10:5

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Gal 5:1

Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Psalm 32:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...

Iowa 1857

Preamble: We, the People of the State of Iowa, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings establish this Constitution.


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