
Showing posts with the label freedom justice

Truth Under Assault

During the coming celebration of President Obama's first 100 days we will certainly witness a strained attempt at placing positive value on the following achievements. (These are not in any particular order, however the cumulative effect is the same.We are witnessing a deliberate attempt at moving our culture, its politics, religion and economics as far left as possible in as little time as possible) Obama and friends first 100 days: • remove the world wide abortion funding ban, allowing the use of federal funds for promoting the killing of un-born children around the world • lifts restrictions on un-born children embryonic stem cell research • currently attempting to rescind the Bush Rule on Conscience for Health Care Providers – increasing pressure on health care providers to violate their moral convictions with regard to killing un-born children • ignoring and denying the foundational Judeo-Christian principles of this nati

Why Choose?

National papers reported on recent objections made by atheist concerning a Nativity scene at a public display in Olympia, Washington. Dan Barker,who heads up the atheist and agnostic Freedom From Religion Foundation, said “If there can be a Nativity scene saying that we are all going to hell if we don’t bow down to Jesus, we should be at the table to share our views.” In Dan's view the choice appears to be bow to Jesus or you will go to hell. It is puzzling how Dan Barker(a former evangelical preacher)seems to have missed the point. Hell is not a punishment for not bowing to Jesus it is a place that we all are destined for and Jesus is our rescuer. In his years of training for ministry he should have learned in "Basics of Christianity 101" that Jesus is not just another idol, good luck charm or insurance policy. Dan also has ignored the part of his bible study from Psalms 14:1 that declares "the fool says in his heart there is no God.." Dan and his atheist frie

Free Speech and Self Government

The ability and freedom to speak ones mind is a virtue of a free society. However in shaping and maintaining our form of self-government it is much more than a virtue, it is a necessity. In its basic form, freedom of speech allows for dialogue among free individuals. Diversities of language, culture, philosophical perspectives, and worldviews can become impediments to free speech. Only after overcoming these challenges in a free public dialogue are we able to arrive at the point of persuasive reasoning. The foundation of our government, the framework of its branches, its checks and balances, were formed after much debate and free dialogue. Even among leaders and statesman that spoke the same language and had similar educational backgrounds and understandings of law and the laws of nature (God's Law), this undertaking was a formidable task. It is unlikely that we can maintain this form of government unless we can restore the collective conscience of Americans to where it once was. N