Truth or Consequences

To some, truth is an asset, to others, a liability. Our current administration's reaction to attempts by critics and the undecided to understand the full implications of a record breaking, history making, back breaking, and inflation creating grand stimulus package, appear to be quite over-dramatic. Perhaps for them the truth is a liability.

The Obama media as well, has bent over backwards in the attempt to persuade the masses that such scrutiny by Rush Limbaugh and others is certainly un-deserved and time wasting and should not be tolerated. How dare we stop and study and question these grand leftist steps of progress towards the great healing our nation desperately needs?

Side Note - some believe this economic crisis was manufactured and encouraged by great powerful leftist in Washington who used the base instincts of greed and profit in banking and real estate and wall street to their advantage. Substantial evidence supporting this claim is prevalent. Rohm Emmanuel even spoke of the great advantage the left now has by saying "never let a serious crisis go to waste.. it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before" The understanding from a conservative perspective is this is an opportunity for the left to move our nation towards a newly defined and repackaged socialism.)

To understand this situation fully you would be best aided by reading blogs other than mine. The writers at Patriot Post, American Thinker, National Review and other conservative sites would provide valuable guidance towards a holistic view of this situation.

The point is that if we are as passionate in speaking and defending the truth as those who hide and suppress the truth, then we have served the cause well. If we are
more passionate in speaking and defending the truth than those who hide and suppress the truth we may guide the nation towards righteousness and prosperity.

Exodus 23: 1-3

Do not let a false statement go further; do not make an agreement with evil-doers to be a false witness. Do not be moved to do wrong by the general opinion, or give the support of your words to a wrong decision: But, on the other hand, do not be turned from what is right in order to give support to a poor man's cause.
(Bible in Basic English)

If we can see that this proposed surge to the left will not aid the cause of the poor but make all of us poor and dependent on the state, saddle our children with insurmountable debt and a great loss of freedom, then it is our duty to stand for what is right.

We must become people of truth and action in all our communities supporting encouraging and uplifting those in need. Action is needed at the local and state levels to remove restrictions, road blocks, taxes and encumbrances that stifle creative enterprise, industry and job creation. It is a free people allowed to fulfill their individual creative abilities in free enterprise who create jobs not big government.

We cannot allow ourselves to be made slaves to the monolithic state, it is not in our best interest and does not encourage responsibility and/or promote freedom.

Consider this famous outline, attributed to Alexander Tytler (1748-1813) of the sequential stages of a civilization:

From Bondage to Spiritual Faith,

From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage,

From Courage to Liberty,

From Liberty to Abundance,

From Abundance to Selfishness,

From Selfishness to Complacency,

From Complacency to Apathy,

From Apathy to Dependency,

From Dependency back into Bondage.

are to be responsible for ourselves our families and communities not the overreaching nanny state, all to eager to make us subservient dependent paupers.

We can break this cycle by moving from Abundance to Selflessness. We are being called to step up and take responsibility for ourselves and others in a selfless fashion speaking the truth in love sharing with others in need and fighting for the right to be free from oppressive slave making government.

We will work our way into prosperity when big government gets out of the way and we the American people do the right thing.

Pray and then take a stand and do what's right!


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