Self - government

Noah Websters 1828 English Dictionary defines the word govern as " to control; to restrain; to keep in due subjection; as to govern the passions or temper."

Government is defined as "Direction; regulation and or Control; restraint"

The concept of self-government was well understood by the Pilgrims and the founders and early settlers of this nation. Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Rush, Noah Webster and their associates all studied the great scholars of the age like Blackstone and Locke. They were familiar with the words of Hugo Grotius written in 1654 concerning self government,

" He knows not how to rule a kingdom, that cannot manage a Province; nor can he wield a Province , that cannot order a City; nor can he order a City, that knows not how to regulate a Village; nor he a Village, that cannot guide a Family; nor can that man govern well a Family that knows not how to govern himself: neither can any govern himself unless his reason be Lord, Will and Appetite her Vassals: nor can Reason rule unless her self be ruled by God, and (wholly) be obedient to Him."

Self control is a virtue that must be learned. In general a society that has learned self control and restraint is less likely to need or have external forces to control them.

The historical evidence for this foundational understanding of self-government is undeniable. This blog will not attempt to deify America or the Founding Fathers. No individual is perfect and thus a collection of individuals is not likely to be perfect either. However, the concepts and the principles that form the original framework of our government are derived from the word of God, the Bible, and its application in all areas of life.

Chuck Colsen writes - (Washington July 5, 2007)

" The writings of all the founders are clear on this. I would refer anyone interested particularly to Michael Novak's book "On Two Wings",Constitution which he describes the influence of the Judeo-Christian tradition on one wing and the influence of the Enlightenment on the other. They were finely balanced in our founding. But everyone, devout believer or deist or otherwise, saw the necessity of a strong moral law which would provide self restraint. Without self restraint, free governments cannot succeed."

In John Adams letter to Officers of the Militia in Massachusetts 1798, he points out that

"We have no government, armed in power, capable of contending with human passion unbridled by morality and religion...our Constitution was made for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."

In other words Adams was saying you are a mature sober people, you understand right from wrong. Your conscience has been formed according to your understanding of God's word. Your collective conscience allows you to be a self-governing people. Here is the form of government that will allow you to be the best that you can be, liberty and law.

In the next post...

How does freedom of speech help maintain our self-government ?


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