Freedom of Speech

In the previous post (the first, post#1) I introduced a few important concepts in the topic realm of truth and reason. They are listed here in order of appearance;
  • Truth
  • Moral Relativity
  • Relationships
  • Absolutes
  • Reality
  • Free Speech
  • Dissent
  • Anti-Marxism
  • Speech Labels
I may have missed a few, but these are the ones that are important to review on this blog towards Truth Revival.

The most important of the above at this point in this post progression is the concept of free speech. Article #1 of the Bill of Rights states that " Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech or of the press...." Without this fundamental freedom this post may not be possible. Any dialogue or monologue or conversation that is coerced or restricted or suppressed would be of little value except to the powers in charge of speech, the Speech Police, better check your review mirror.

We have come to expect free speech as a protected right defended by the government. This liberty is protected yet still under the law as all other liberties are. So there are and should be limits to speech, laws that protect us all from mudslinging libel and slander and dangerous cultural perversions published under the guise of free speech. However, because laws change in response to public persuasion this liberty is at risk.

Freedom of speech allows you and I to share what we may see as valuable wisdom, knowledge, and information. In a sense it is a free market of ideas and opinions. It is this basic free flow of dialogue of the people that keeps them free.

This freedom ultimately gives us a good understanding of our collective moral conscience and allows us to have some guide towards directing change, ideally in the direction of truth. The power to sway public opinion and shape the moral conscience of a free people is not taken for granted by the media czars. Billions of dollars is spent each year on advertising designed to persuade. Similar amounts are spent in the entertainment industry whose impact on culture cannot be denied. The past election has seen an unprecedented amount of hundreds of millions of dollars spent on a campaign to woo voters. Are the results of free elections a good indication of the moral and cultural consensus of a free people ?

In the next post...

The concept of self-government allows an informed electorate to guide and direct and elect representatives and leaders to shape laws in the halls of the legislature in accordance to their moral conscience.

What is self-government and how does freedom of speech help to maintain it ?


michela said…
laying down the ground work..i'm glad to see you finally doing something like this!

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