Nothing New Here

President Barack Hussein Obama's signing of executive orders ready made for this "new era of responsibility" and a "new birth of freedom" have brought about questions. Apparently those who are not entranced by President Obama's presence are asking how these orders model either responsibility or freedom.

Barack H. Obama has been inaugurated to the loftiest height of power attainable in the modern world. At this height truth like oxygen thins out, it takes more effort to stay focused on foundational concepts that should guide and measure the impact of important moral decisions. Truth should be the means by which a new leader gains the moral advantage and political strength. Truth attracts its own allies and musters the political will to do the hard (and in today's world un-popular) work of standing up to protect the innocent and defenseless. Without truth as the foundation, Freedom and Hope, Responsibility and Justice cannot be attained.

Executive order "Free the Terrorist"
was signed by President Barack Hussein Obama earlier this week.

Is our president ready to take responsibility for the many lives that will be endangered and perhaps lost by the release of terrorist from secure confinement. Letting them loose on the world to once again commit crimes against humanity. How does this action model Responsibility and Justice?

Executive order "Surrender the Un-Born"
was signed by President Barrack Hussein Obama late Friday evening. This order removes the ban on US funding to foreign non-governmental agencies that promote abortion as part of family planning around the world.

Is our president ready to take responsibility for the many lives lost by funding abortion providers around the world with USA dollars? Is this a prudent use of taxpayer dollars given the current economic crisis we are in? How does this action model Freedom and Hope?

The oath of office states clearly the defense of the US Constitution. The Constitution reflects the foundational truths of the Declaration of Independence;

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

If we cannot trust our leaders to uphold the Truth that provides the foundations for Freedom and Hope, Responsibility and Justice, then we must appoint new leaders.

Psalm 11:3
"If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?"


Missa said…
so true, even if Obama isn't concerned about the moral side of things he needs to make better financial decisions seeing the economic crisis we are in right now

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