
Showing posts from January, 2009

Truth or Consequences

To some, truth is an asset, to others, a liability. Our current administration's reaction to attempts by critics and the undecided to understand the full implications of a record breaking, history making, back breaking, and inflation creating grand stimulus package, appear to be quite over-dramatic. Perhaps for them the truth is a liability. The Obama media as well, has bent over backwards in the attempt to persuade the masses that such scrutiny by Rush Limbaugh and others is certainly un-deserved and time wasting and should not be tolerated. How dare we stop and study and question these grand leftist steps of progress towards the great healing our nation desperately needs? ( Side Note - some believe this economic crisis was manufactured and encouraged by great powerful leftist in Washington who used the base instincts of greed and profit in banking and real estate and wall street to their advantage. Substantial evidence supporting this claim is prevalent. Rohm Emmanuel even spoke...

Nothing New Here

President Barack Hussein Obama's signing of executive orders ready made for this "new era of responsibility" and a "new birth of freedom" have brought about questions. Apparently those who are not entranced by President Obama's presence are asking how these orders model either responsibility or freedom. Barack H. Obama has been inaugurated to the loftiest height of power attainable in the modern world. At this height truth like oxygen thins out, it takes more effort to stay focused on foundational concepts that should guide and measure the impact of important moral decisions. Truth should be the means by which a new leader gains the moral advantage and political strength. Truth attracts its own allies and musters the political will to do the hard (and in today's world un-popular) work of standing up to protect the innocent and defenseless. Without truth as the foundation, Freedom and Hope, Responsibility and Justice cannot be attained. Executive order ...

New Year-New Post-New You

Happy 2009 Blogsters, I assume, are expected to post something personal or reflective, inspirational or encouraging for the new year. Not wanting to discount the opportunity and later regret that I had not posted something of value, I present the following with hope for a blessed future for you all. So what's new? What may be new to you may not be new to me. After all new is in the eye of the beholder. There is something about the concept of "new" that excites and energizes. Kids love to get new toys, new clothes, even new school supplies. Grownups also seek out new clothes, new cars, new tools, new homes, careers etc... So what is it about "new" that gets kids and grownups excited? How long does new last? Do some things stay new longer than others? It seems we get bored with new things very quickly. Are they really new things or just freshly produced cleaned up same old things with a shine? Is there anything really new under the sun? The all wise teacher Solo...