How about some truth about marriage. It appears lately that the term "marriage" is being hijacked for use by the radical left to describe the age old concept of homosexual unions. This is an attempt to bring about complete acceptance and approval from all for this alternative lifestyle. This contentious battle is not being won in the marketplace of ideas and culture, so the latest tactic is to enlist the aid of government. With the aid of the strong arm of the law, the left will continue to use intimidation, coercion and punishment against those who do not approve of their lifestyle. We are a step away from the oppression currently experienced in Canada and other nations worldwide. In June of 2005 Dr Chris Kempling, a Christian counselor at a Canadian high school was charged with "conduct unbecoming" a teacher by the British Columbia College of Teachers. His scolding was in response to a series of editorials he wrote in a local newspaper supporting traditional marri...