
Can You Relate? Posted on  September 30, 2015  by  mograce15 Does God exists? Romans 1:18-32 tells us that  “what may be known about God is plain… that they are without excuse”   The question I found myself asking many times in the past was “what is God like?” “How do I get to know Him better?” “ Do I want to know Him better?” I am certain my friend Sal has had the same questions. So I asked him, “have you always been a Christian?” I was not surprised to learn that like me he had been raised Roman Catholic. He explained that while in college, he met and dated his future wife. She attended an evangelical church. She asked him to come to her church one evening to listen to her sing. “Well” he responded, “I’ve already attended Mass” and she said firmly, “This is not an obligation but an invitation. It would make me happy if you came to hear me sing”. “So to please her” he said,”I went to her church, heard her sing,...

Go,In His Name

St. Augustine once said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” In regards to prayer, it seems as if lately God is holding up a mirror to our prayers and saying “Yes, you go….” Micah 6:8 “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” This is how I feel God is responding to our prayers; “Father, raise up godly leaders to positions of influence and help us through these corrupt and troubled times” God is saying “Yes, you go and raise up godly leaders. Mothers and fathers teach your children. You have the ability to do this in my name. Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Ephesians 6:4 “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; ...

Blogging for cash

Cleaning up shop - not much time to write lately - so the content will be sporadic and generally focused on recent events, political and cultural. However,the next essay,as promised,will be about the failed attempt of the Pilgrim settlers at living out a communist lifestyle. They had failed so miserably at producing a harvest that the winter following claimed many lives due to malnutrition. I am hoping to be able to add more content to this blog. Embedding video clips of relevance and sharing links to other sites of similar content. The following means absolutely nothing except a site marker to help me set up a means of earning some income while delivering timely and relevant essays.( A seed ascends around the turntable.) Thus the journey continues and I hope you stay plugged in for the upcoming journalistic endeavor.

Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves

There is a threatening cry of frustration coming from the extreme religious right against President Obama and his liberal socialist agenda. Tony Norman of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette writes in a recent article, “Earlier this year, the Rev. Wiley Drake of the First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park, Calif., instructed his followers to pray for Obama's death. Presidential candidate Alan Keyes' former running mate called down curses on Mr. Obama, based on prayers of vengeance from the Psalms. In Tempe, Ariz., Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church called for Mr. Obama's death on the eve of his visit to Phoenix earlier this year." Some of the so called “Christian faithful”, having no foundation from which to pursue opposing or reforming the policies of the political behemoth of liberalism, have resorted to speaking threatening words which could certainly be classified by some as hate speech. True followers of Christ should be quick to rebuke those who r...

Ideas Have Consequences

As we grieve for the loss of brothers and sisters at Fort Hood, Texas, and pray for Gods peace and comfort for their families and the community, may we consider the urgent need to come to our senses regarding the folly of political correctness. How many tragic events will it take before we realize that our current battles are not unlike the battles of yesterday? Why are we so often surprised by the actions of people who have a clear and dangerous ideological distinction from us? Many of us remember the stories of the Nazi occupation of European countries, the concentration and death camps and the determination of the followers of one ideology to extinguish all others. It took tremendous resolve and sacrifice to win this war. We faced a similar threat after World War II and fought the Communist in Korea and Vietnam and a Cold War with an arms build up and a somewhat diminished ideological debate. That debate like many others has been abandoned by the embracing of the new tolerance and m...

If You Lived Here!

Many road weary travelers have seen the large billboard above the thruway that reads “If you lived here you would be home by now!” The text is usually splashed across a beautifully inviting view of the surrounding landscape. You may be familiar with the popular saying “home is where the hearts is” There is a similar saying from the Bible that says “where your treasure is there your heart will be also”. God in heaven has placed within each of us a longing for that home. This is not the home you have grown up in although it may have a special place in our hearts and we long to return there. You may have grown up in a place that you would never call home and would never want to return. The longing for the home that God has provided for us is deeper and more persistent than any other longing. Our hearts have an emptiness that only God can fill. Our desire is for the perfect home of love, mercy, grace and forgiveness, the place where you are welcome as you are, but loved too much to be left...

I’m OK, are you?

I recently approached a vehicle and was soon contemplating the prominently displayed bumper sticker that read “Born OK the first time”. That’s strange I thought, apparently this person either believes he is immortal or is OK with what this mortal life has to offer including death. "OK" is a very subjective term. I can think of a few murderous kings and leaders who thought they were OK too. By the way, fortunately for us the villains I had in mind are now dead. But somehow we never quite have a shortage of them. In reality none of us will escape death. The moment we are born we begin our journey to the grave. Perhaps this "Born OK" person is OK with that and expects nothing more from his existence, in a senseless reality. But what if there is something more? What if there is something that makes sense, which gives us hope? What if there is something that fills the deep longing in our hearts, something that restores us and commands death to release us? Has this pers...